Text Ads :: Dedicated Information for Your offered
Tours |
Each monument site contains a page with available “Tours”
to that particular object with contact information of the tourist
agency, tour days, duration, rates and a link to the agency site.
Each agency has a dedicated statistics page displaying amount of visits
and clicks to their respective site which gives you a good overview
of the number of visitors interested in your offered tours.
You will be able to view the statistics related to your banner
advertisement where you can see how many times the object in question
has been view respective clicks on your banner/text.
Text Ads - in Collection/Monuments/Tours
section (monthly fee) |
Text information for each object/location
available on the section (20 at this time)
Includes Organization Name, Address, Web Site, Type of the tour, Week
day, Duration of tour, Departure and Return hour, Price |
1500 AMD *
10 USD **
* Prices for companies registered in Armenia
** Prices for companies registered outside Armenia
Below you can see how your information will be
presented in each monument object section. Click here to
see an example. |

Minimum advertising period is three (3) months. Sign for one full year and get 15% discount on your total advertising amount.