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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS3722)�Evangelierna (MS3722)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, marginals,initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, marginaler, initialer
Author: Hakob�Hakob�Simeon�Simeon
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1304�
Place: Nakhichevan : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 33 X 27 cm�Vellum, 33 X 27 cm
Pages: 364 ff.�f. 77


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS212)�Evangelierna (MS212)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 80 full-page�Khoraner, porträtt av evengelisterna, första sidorna, 80 helsidor
Author: Avag�Avag�illuminated and bound by Avag�Illustrerad och bunden av Avag
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1337�
Place: Iran : - : Agarak :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 18.1 X 13 cm�Pergament, 18,1 x 13 cm
Pages: 315 ff.�f.278 v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS10359)�Evangelierna (MS10359)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Ornate cross, khorans, portraits of the Evangelists�Utsirat kors, khoraner, evangelisternas porträtt
Author: Stepanos�Stepanos�unknown; portraits of the Evangelists added in 1250 by Hovhannes�okänd; porträtten av evangelisterna har adderats år 1250 av Hovhannes
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1201�
Place: Western Armenia : - : Agarak : Avagvank monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 30.5 X 21 cm�Pergament, 30,5 x 21 cm
Pages: 310 ff.�f. 11


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS10675)�Evangelierna (MS10675)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 13 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 13 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1268�
Place: - : - : - : Hromkla monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 22 X 17cm�Pergament, 22 x 17 cm
Pages: 332 ff.�ff. 6

Known as the Malatian Gospels, after the town of Malatia where it was kept for some time.�Känt som malatiska evengeliet, efter staden Malatia där det bevarades under en tid.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS7644)�Evangelierna (MS7644)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 8 full-page historiated miniatures�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 8 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer
Author: unknown�Okänd�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1260�1276
Place: Cilicia : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 23.5 X 16.8cm�pergament, 23,5 x 16,8 cm
Pages: 381 ff.�f.4v

Known as the Gospels of Constable Smbat, after the man who commissioned the manuscript.�Känt som Evangeliet om ståthållare Smbat, efter mannen som beställde manuskriptet

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS7651)�Evangeliebok (MS7651)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 139 historiated miniatures�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelierna, första sidor, 139 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer
Author: Stepanos�Stepanos�Eight artists, Sargis Pidzak among them�Åtta konstnärer, bl. a. Sargis Pidzak
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1320�
Place: Cilicia : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 22.5 X 16.7 cm�Pergament, 22,5 x 16,7 cm
Pages: 276 ff.�f.81v

Known as the "Gospels by Eight Masters"�Känd som "Evangelierna av de åtta mästarna"

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS212)�Evangelierna (MS212)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 80 full-page�Khoraner, porträtt av evengelisterna, första sidorna, 80 helsidor
Author: Avag�Avag�illuminated and bound by Avag�Illustrerad och bunden av Avag
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1337�
Place: Iran : - : Agarak :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 18.1 X 13 cm�Pergament, 18,1 x 13 cm
Pages: 315 ff.�f.241 r


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Highslide JS Lectionary (MS979)��E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Title-pages, historiated miniatures (8 full-page ones, 2 occupying a third and 3 a quarter of the page), marginals (about 400), initials�
Author: unknown��unknown�
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1286�
Place: Cilicia : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 33.5 X 24.5 cm�
Pages: 479 ff.�f. 181


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS212)�Evangelierna (MS212)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 80 full-page�Khoraner, porträtt av evengelisterna, första sidorna, 80 helsidor
Author: Avag�Avag�illuminated and bound by Avag�Illustrerad och bunden av Avag
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1337�
Place: Iran : - : Agarak :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 18.1 X 13 cm�Pergament, 18,1 x 13 cm
Pages: 315 ff.�f.278 v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS4814)�Evangelierna (MS4814)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 5 full-page�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 5 helsidor
Author: Hakob�Hakob�Khatcher�Khatcher
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1294�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Berkri :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 30x25 cm�Vellum, 30 x 25 cm
Pages: 266 ff.�f. 6


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